The Amazing Lady Raiders
Jasmine Barzegar
April 2021

Group photo of Sonora Girl's Varsity [Courtesy of Savannah Grove]
Mia Hamm, one of the best female soccer players in U.S. history, once emphasized: "You can't just beat a team, you have to leave a lasting impression in their minds so they never want to see you again." Recently, on April 8th, Sonora's Varsity Girls Soccer Team did just that. This intense game was against Sonora's long-time rival, La Habra High School, in which the Lady Raiders celebrated a momentous victory on our home field. The Lady Raiders made sure to prove that no one can step onto our premises and expect an easy match. The Girls Varsity Team puts in their time on and off the field in preparation-- after all, there’s a reason why La Habra lost 8-0.
When asked about the event’s atmosphere, Varsity's Goalkeeper, Savannah Grove, said that "the environment was super crazy," as both teams were eager to crush one another. Moreover, soccer is collective team support, where the success of the team relies on every player. Through their triumphant season, the Varsity team demonstrates they have the talent, hunger, desire, and heart to leave a lasting impression.
Thus far, the Girls Varsity Team has been successful in their season, and they still have more games yet to play. This year has been rough on every athlete due to sports being shut down and enduring quarantine for nearly an entire year, but Varsity proved that these obstacles did not impact their season. Sonora perseveres through these difficulties, working hard at every practice, and performing their best. Every game, Sonora gives it their all no matter who the opponent is, while maintaining respect, good sportsmanship, and playing to their full intensity. Varsity's coach, Coach Witt, who is also known as Mr. Witt off of the field, expressed that this season they have "set big goals and have high expectations, [and] if all the girls continue to work hard in all aspects--physically and mentally-- [he is] confident that [they] will achieve [their] goals!" This soccer team is having one of the best seasons in Sonora girls' soccer history as they continue to work hard to finish the season off strong.
In all sports, every minute matters. Teams have to give it their all from the second the whistle is blown. In a suspenseful 90 minutes, the Lady Raiders scored 8 total goals against their opponent; Emily Hinkley, Ciara Kelly, Heather Bach, Kristen Smick, Esther Morrison, scored one goal each, and Sophia Fimbres scored a whopping three goals. Savannah excitedly reports that "from the very first whistle Sonora came out with lots of energy that only grew each time they scored." Sonora's environment radiated with positivity and love as those on and off the field created this thrilling game. In fact, the enthusiasm of both the team and their audience is crucial to fuel their motivation. Players on the bench, as well as family members, friends, and supporters on the sidelines heavily impacted the game. Through their constant cheers, shouts, and chants, these fans add to the team's desire to succeed, since they feel the brace during their matches. Their support contributes to the team's game as they support each other and encourage one another to perform to the best of their abilities.
In virtually any sport, rivalry games are always so intense as each school aims to prove its capabilities and superiority. Alyssa Martinez, one of Varsity's Midfielders voiced that beating La Habra, "was one of the highlights of the season for sure." In addition, for the past thirty years, Sonora’s and La Habra's Girls Soccer Varsity teams created the tradition of "The Cleat", which is a friendly competition in which whoever wins the second game against each other victoriously keeps the trophy with them until the following season. Since 2017, Sonora has reclaimed "The Cleat'' and has kept it in their possession. Furthermore, Girls Varsity continues to work hard as now they are halfway through their season, holding an impressive record of 4 wins and 2 losses. Remember to show your Raider Pride by expressing your love and support for our Lady Raiders as they continue their amazing season!